Changes in ShoutCMS v6.43.3.R20231220
What's in this article
This document contains the release notes for ShoutCMS v6.43.3.R20231220. The release only applies to instances of ShoutCMS 6.2.x or greater. If you are using an older version of Shout (5.8.x, 6.0.x) and want to learn more, please contact our support team.
Please note that new features are not always enabled by default. Contact our support team if there are specific features that you wish to add to your website.
Functionality Added or Changed
Change Type | Reference ID | Description |
New Feature | 6559 | Added custom domain management. |
New Feature | 6574 | Added Bad Debt transaction type. |
New Feature | 6590 | Added the capability to inject the GeoIP country into the front-end JavaScript. |
Enhancement | 6560 | Added descriptions to settings. |
Enhancement | 6562 | Changed the ShoutCMS logo. |
Enhancement | 6583 | Internal links can now be bulk added to lists. |
Bug Fixes
Change Type | Reference ID | Description |
Bug Fix | 6568 | Fixed issues related to ShoutCMS Client Portal auto login. |
Bug Fix | 6571 | Fixed some issues related to deleting Contacts. |
Bug Fix | 6606 | Added alt tags to list and side-by-side gallery <img> tags. |
Bug Fix | 6605 | Fixed an issue where some image's transparency was lost when converting to WebP format. |
Bug Fix | 6601 | Fixed an issue where website admins with uppercase characters in their username were unable to log in. |
Bug Fix | 6586 | Fixed a crash that would occur under some conditions when approving and paying a Quote through the site front. |